2017 Vans RV-14



Sold on: 19/02/2021
Priced as: $265,000
2017 Vans RV-14
Aircraft TypeLSA/Experimental
Sale TypeFor Sale
CurrencyAU $
Price $265,000 Incl GST
LocationVictoria, Australia
Registration NoVH-YZE
Year Built2017
Total Time Airframe60 hours


This immaculately built aircraft has been equipped with every conceivable option, including ignition control module, cockpit controlled adjustable smoke system, adjustable anti-lock braking system, RAM-air manifold intake, external starting and engine heating points - and heated leather seats, to name just a few.

Engine Specifications

Lycoming IO-390 angle valve engine (210hp)

Engine hours: 60hrs since new

External Engine starting port (if battery dead)

External engine heating port (for engine pre-heating in cold weather)

RAM-air intake for intake manifold (additional 10hp in cruise), cockpit controlled

Sports exhaust

P-Mags (dual) with inbuilt alternator

EI-Commander ignition control module (adjust timing on the fly and live ignition system report)

Iridium high-performance spark plugs

Hartzell Constant speed Hydraulic 2-blade prop

Engine and prop, dynamically balanced - vibration <0.04 IPS


Dynon Sky view System (dual screens)

AVMap Ultra EFIS (back up redundant system, independent of Dynon with ADF/VOR/HSI)

Dual ADAHRS, 2 axis auto pilot, electric trim control

GPS2020 Compliant (plus addition GPS250)

Mode-S Class 1 Transponder (ADSB-OUT)


X-Com Radio with 2-way intercom (with Bose LEMO connectors)

Dynon Wi-Fi

Fuel Flow sensor



Leather heated seats


Beringer High Performance CNC machined Wheels with High Performance Tires
Beringer differential hydraulic disc brakes (with adjustable anti-lock system)

Additional Features

Smoke System (with adjustable smoke output)

Heated Leather Seats ( 2 settings - low/high).

12V high output power supply for luggage compartment (to run a fridge)

USB charging ports ( x4)

Rudder pedal controlled steerable tail wheel (auto engage/disengage)

Active CO (carbon monoxide monitor) with audio-visual alarm

Reverse NACA scoops ( for creating cockpit negative pressure - smoke removal)

Fixed ELT (in tail cone)

VPX-Pro (electronic fuse system)- full control and status report via Dynon Screen.

Traffic Monitoring / Collision avoidance

Dynon ADSB-IN (SV-ADSB-472)

Power Flarm Core (independent System) with ADSB-IN, Flarm-In (for glider detection), Flarm-Out (for visibility to gliders), TFT colour screen monitor (FlarmView57) with 1000ft proximity warning LED (FlarmACL)

Strobe lights, landing lights, wig-wam Lights

External camera adapter

Lithium Battery

Heated Pitot tube


Stall Speed (flaps down) 51kts

Best rate of climb 95kts

Never exceed 200kts

Cruise: 160kts @ SL 75% Power

Cockpit noise: Measured during taxi at 45dB; extremely quiet & minimal vibration.

Hangared: Always

Accident history: Nil

Location: Lilydale, Victoria

*PLEASE NOTE: Aircraft specifications are subject to verification by the purchaser. It is up to you as the purchaser to conduct your due diligence. Unless given to you in writing by the seller, no warranties are implied or given. Aircraft or parts may be withdrawn from sale at any time. If the price does not contain the notation that it is the total price, the price may or may not include costs such as Stamp Duty, Transfer fees, GST and other State or Federal charges. Please confirm price, fees, charges and features with the seller of the Aircraft or Part.

Click on the video below to watch.

Seller Information

Contact Name:Nicholas Christie
Seller Type:Dealer
Dealership:Light Aircraft Sales
Location:Victoria, Australia
Cell:03 95311018
Listing ID:6618

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