2006 Vans RV10 Aircraft

Single Engine Propeller


2006 Vans RV10 Aircraft
Aircraft TypeSingle Engine Propeller
ConditionUsed Aircraft
Sale TypeFor Sale
CurrencyAU $
Price $560,000
LocationWestern Australia, Australia
Registration NoVH-IMZ
Serial Number4016
Year Built2006
Total Time Airframe725

Update November 2024

  • MT prop overhauled as per MT operations manual. Zeroed time.
  • Annual inspection completed 12 November New Maintenance Release issued.
  • Price reduced November 2024

Meet VH-IMZ - the Vans RV-10, a pinnacle of comfort and performance in its class. Engineered with engine-driven air conditioning ensures your comfort even during scorching summer days. Boasting unparalleled speed and range under IFR and VFR flight rules, it stands as a leader among its peers.

Built in 2006 by a skilled AP based in the USA, this aircraft is meticulously maintained and enhanced after its acquisition in 2012 and subsequent shipment to Western Australia. No expense was spared in outfitting it with top-of-the-line Garmin equipment, both internally and externally.

Propelled by a fuel-injected 260hp Lycoming IO-540, it effortlessly cruises at 170 knots TAS while consuming a modest 55-57 litres per hour. With a total time of 725 hours as of November 2024, this aircraft has been under the diligent and professional care of a Licensed Aircraft Engineer throughout its tenure, ensuring its reliability and performance.

Rest assured, VH-IMZ has always been sheltered in a hangar, shielded from the elements, ensuring its pristine condition.

Basic Empty Weight (Kgs): 814.5

- CG (max gross weight 1224 kgs)

- date of last weighing: 9/08/12

Engine Specifications

Engine Make/Model: Lycoming IO-540-D4A5

- HP: 260

- Total Time Since New (hrs): 718

- Ignition: Two Magnetos

- Carb/FI: FI

- Date of last compression check: 09/09/23

- - Cylinder #1: 78/80

- - Cylinder #2: 77/80

- - Cylinder #3: 76/80

- - Cylinder #4: 76/80

- - Cylinder #5: 76/80

- - Cylinder #6: 76/80

Prop 1 Time: 718 HOURS Prop overhaul Feb 2018 CSU Replaced New Jan 2024


Flight Rules: VFR, IFR

Two Garmin G3X touch GDU460 PFDs, internal GPS – With synthetic vision

One Garmin G5 EFIS - Garmin G5 Backup Battery

Garmin GTN750 Navigator

Garmin GTX330 transponder – ADSB

Garmin GMA-35C Remote Audio Panel with Bluetooth

Garmin GMC307 Autopilot control panel

Garmin GTS 800 Traffic Traffic - Actively tracks up to 45 targets to 22 nm. Combines active surveillance with passive (ADS-B) surveillance. Generates aural and visual traffic advisories.

Garmin SL 30 - SL30 packs a 760-channel VHF comm transceiver and 200-channel VOR/LOC/GS nav receiver with DME display into one small space.

Flight Data Systems GD-40 Remote CO detector

VP-X Pro System - System - Electronic Circuit Breaker System. https://verticalpower.com/index.php/products/vp-x

TWC IBBS 6amp Hour Li-fe-PO4 backup battery system

Airconditioned – Airflow Systems Engine Driven

MT three-blade propeller – Colour-matched to aircraft

20 amps backup alternator

ME406 Emergency Locator Transmitter – Battery replaced Sept/2022

Matco triple-piston brakes. WHLWI600XLT-2


9/10 Cloth Seating - Crow 4-point safety harnesses


9/10 Royal Blue over white, with gold and burgundy stripe. Three-bladed MT Prop Colour matched

Additional Features

Bruce's Custom Covers canopy cover. External Power supply and charger.

*PLEASE NOTE: Aircraft specifications are subject to verification by the purchaser. It is up to you as the purchaser to conduct your due diligence. Unless given to you in writing by the seller, no warranties are implied or given. Aircraft or parts may be withdrawn from sale at any time. If the price does not contain the notation that it is the total price, the price may or may not include costs such as Stamp Duty, Transfer fees, GST and other State or Federal charges. Please confirm price, fees, charges and features with the seller of the Aircraft or Part.

Click on the video below to watch.

Seller Information

Contact Name:Michael Severn
Seller Type:Private
Location:Western Australia, Australia
Listing ID:10734
Slattery Bell Auction Feb 2025
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